How To Handle Being ghosted by a friend.

Ultimately, you need to remember that as much as it hurts, it’s making room for new friendships! It’s one of the reasons we started New Circle Society.

Ask yourself: do you really want to be friends with someone who’s not invested in you? Or would you rather build a new circle that uplifts you and you know, actually texts you back.

Being ghosted by someone you like hurts. But being ghosted by a friend? There’s something about it that stings even more. Whether its a sudden ghost or a slow-fade into one word WhatsApp responses and double grey ticks, it’s not fun to be on the receiving end. 

Try to see their POV - even if you don’t have the answers. They may have valid reasons.

Maybe they are just too busy with other friends and a new phase of their life.

Maybe they’re going through something.

Maybe you did something to upset and hurt them and they need to heal - for whatever reason, to them, it’s likely valid in their own minds!

Unfortunately, we are all different and people deal with things in their own way and we have to respect that and let it go. It may be hurtful to you, but this may have been the best way they were able to handle this situation.

Why can’t they tell me why they’ve ghosted me?

Many people hate confrontation - and might be worried about calling you out on something, or presenting an issue to you, so instead would rather ghost than deal with drama. Maybe they know they did something wrong and don’t want to admit to it and deal with the repercussions. 

Make sure you’re taking care of yourself.

Wondering why this happened can take up a lot of mental space and emotional energy - try to keep on top of taking care of yourself. It sounds simple I know. Make sure you’re having no-screen-time before bed and in the morning to help adjust and sleep better. Eat properly. Get out of the house. Keep moving. And whilst we love coffee, it can spike anxiety so maybe cut back for a little while!

Spend time doing things you enjoy, but remember it’s okay to be sad! Let yourself feel the feels - it will help healing in the long run.